Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Lemur on the Hand of Madagascar
This is an acrylic painting on Canvas that depicts the hand of god which interestingly looks a bit like Madagascar and a Lemur or Elephant is on it. The Elephant or Lemur depending on how you look at it is what saved me from a rabid border collie puppy. The Elephant/Lemur tried to save me from it and told me not to pet it. I didn't listen and it attacked me. Later in the news the public learned that there had been some rabid border collie pups.
I felt the presence of this being and I was curious and I wanted to see what I would come up with if I tried to paint him/her.
Some of this painting doesn't show up as well as it could so I may post better photo at another time.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Nine and a half pound Noah is here!

I am proud to present my first grandchild, Noah. He was born on Sunday February 17th at 4:28am. He was born by c-section at Toronto East General which is in East York. He is amazing and I am truly looking forward to watching my grandson grow up. Good luck Noah!
Love Grandma.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

This isn't kansas any more.

This isn't Kansas any moreThis isn't Kansas any more. Neither the little crooked red barn nor the flowers suspect a thing. I call this painting This isn't Kansas anymore because storms create change. Storms are our warning systems and we would do well to pay attention. Let's not be oblivious to the weather like these flowers are.

Alien Abduction in a Canoe This is my water colour painting I did of an alien abduction in a canoe. The people are missing because they have been abducted by aliens. All that is left are the air particles.

Night Sky

Night Sky This water colour painting was inspired by being at my fraternal twin sister's trailer park near Bobcaygeon Ontario. Mars was prevalent in the night sky. We did a lot of prostrating to Mars that summer.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Goldfinches came back today

The American Goldfinches are back. They are a sight to see. They are very brave and he looked right at me. This year I have string tied all the way around my balcony for the Morning Glories and we were wondering if the birds would use the string for a perch. I love it when I provide a structure for the birds and they behave the way I want them too. They are very keen it seems to please me or perhaps I am just very lucky. For a generally unlucky person my balcony grove which I love dearly seems to be blessed with an abundance of natural things. A Humming bird dropped in to say hello to my husband. I am hoping to get the privilege of witnessing a Humming bird too. Maybe he or she will be back. One can hope and pray.
Last year a Butterfly dropped by my knee to shake himself thoroughly and then go off investigating the sunflowers that were nearby. He/She stayed on my knee for a good three or four minutes. It was a Butterfly I had never seen before.It was yellow and green if I remember correctly.
I am thoroughly enjoying the summer but the humidity is a bit tiring. I would love for someone to do a rain dance right about now. :)

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Erika's Balcony Grove

The love that goes into a Druid Grove is obvious even to the Common Breeding Finches. They are playing along with my aesthetic sense, because while a friend was visiting yesterday a mated pair of finches who were eating from the finch feeder were situated on either side of the feeder in the shape of the human image of a heart.
The sound they make is cheering and very enjoyable.

Druid of the Ovate Grade. ( The Ovate is the broader part of the leaf.)